my hope is in You Lord

When I seem to give up, the attacks are too intense

kite flying

and nothing makes sense,

You’re right there.

Lifting me up

when I choose to see  Your grand plan for me

it’s where I should be.

In the simplest things  You show Your great love

in a smile of a child, in a kite flying high in the air,

in an elderly’s musings, in a friendship discovered.

In the silence of time

it all binds

my emotions reflect the harmony You bestow

to my soul.

calling to You.. You calling to me..

releases all my tensions and anxieties

pain seems so small in comparison to Your handiwork

Your love is what holds me ~ together..

Your love keeps me whole in this planet that’s fading

Your return is imminent

I will self exam i n a t e

my intimate relationship with You.

I’ll keep putting my faith in Your capable hands

and have You guide me til the end,

When You will make everything right again.

My hope is in You Lord

for all eternity.

~AP / SweetJava

Thank you for visiting 🙂 God bless

find the blessing in every opportunity that presents itself


my gratitue to my picture source:


    1. And thank you for stopping by and commenting. I was a bit shaky in publishing my raw musings but went ahead and did it. Your comment made me smile that I was nervous for naught. Thank you, again 🙂 Blessings always.

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