don’t lose faith

God knows are future yet unwritten
God knows our past that brought us to Him
The present is before us
be in it
don’t quit but submit yourself to Him
for God is always with us we’re protected not rejected
when we stay the course & not loose faith
Our faith is in Him all the way
He reassure’s us everyday

Although we’re tempted don’t forget Him
He’ll keep us safe in times unexpected
the journey home to His place
might bring sorrow in a world going the wrong way
Don’t lose faith
don’t loose the faith you have already

Where there’s hope   the journey home   is worth taking
With His strength   His armor on   we’ll make it
For love over everything counts
not the animosity that’s all around

Keep yourself guarded and refrain from joining the world’s decaying ways
doing what the Good Lord says

through kindness we achieve more than anything
what this world desperately needs or can give
people will perceive our beliefs in the way we conduct ourselves

He excel beyond our expectations

for actions speak louder than words
stay close
to Him praying
for praying is only talking to God of our needs and our desires
He will be our supplier

He will deliver us from all evil and things that are illegal
if we refrain from doing them
don’t stray away
for it won’t be long now
til we’re lifted out of here  that’s a promise we can count on
to follow His lead
not fear but allow
goodness in

with the Word of our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in our hearts
be a part of   not apart from   His saving grace

let’s be content not fall away

 all will go well in the end.

God bless!


Thank you for visiting 🙂

May the Spirit of God be within you to follow His ways.


This poem started with a thought of the first two lines and grew… Only through the inspiration of our Lord. We serve an amazing God! Praises and thanksgiving go to Him.

I asked for suggestions on the title and Thank you all for coming to my rescue, sometimes the simplest answer is right in front of you. Blessings!


  1. I love the title. I was just writing about that subject in my journal. Beautiful poem! So well expressed. Thank you so much for these timely words of encouragement to us all to not lose faith. Amen!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you MsSue, you are a dear to say so.
      I’m very grateful for the community of believers we have through this medium and the positive feedback. When love is shared good things happen. That’s God’s purpose for all of us.

      p.s. I’ll stop by your place and check your latest inspirational message, as well. We all relate God’s truth in our own unique way. God bless you always 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by and your encouraging words.
      I drew a blank on the title as many times as I read the piece. Something so simple as your recommendation filtered in and out of my brain. But then I used a different title, go figure, and asked for help. And so I Thank you for your suggestion and your comment.
      God bless you always.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I think it should be called Don’t lose faith. This poem is beautiful and encouraging. It’s amazing when God writes through us. 🙂 I was just looking for a post from you the other day and here it is. 🙂 Be blessed and keep moving forward!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much Faith, for your encouragement and love. I agree with you, our Lord is amazing how He uses His children, when we just let go of our hang ups, listen and follow His lead. Our Father is awesome!

      I like your recommendation and it does fit the poem much better. Pray your day is a beautiful one, full of laughter. Blessings always!


    1. 🤗Thank you Susanne, sweet of you to say. And yes, funny how sometimes we’re not sure what to write, while we’re thinking, praying, a line or two pops in your head and it just takes a life of its own. The Lord works in mysterious ways, when one least expect it. The title is a work in progress though.. lol. God bless you always.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You are very welcome. Indeed, that is how inspiration works. It comes out of nowhere and then…. sometimes it disappears again and pops up after months or even years! I recalled I have a poetry blog, too, 😉 but as I just checked it out, it seemed completely ‘dead’ to me, no inspiration whatsoever for a very long time. Well, that’s the way the cookie crumbles in the kingdom of God!


      2. Oh, my dear Susanne, how true are your words. Sometimes one gets in a funk where the creative juices are not in tune with the rest of you. It’s as though God is telling you to take a breather and enjoy the silence. Once you let go of self and let God in everything changes. Thank you so much for stopping by and being an encouraging voice with so much love behind it, much appreciated. May peace follow you along with God blessings, always.

        Liked by 2 people

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