“Tell your heart to beat again”

This song helped me immensely at the passing of my best friend and confident, my Mama. Anyone feeling a lost, a betrayal, a sickness know the Great Physician is right there to pick you up. All you have to do is let Him in. And your heart WILL beat again.

Sharing by permission.

A great thank you to artist Danny Gokey who with this song gave me back the beat of my heart.

When I went through the devastating lost of this precious presence in my life, God whispered to me ‘this is not an end, just a new beginning for you’.. On my way home this song came on the radio and it solidify His endless love of just how much He cares. That whatever this life throws at you hold on, stand on the promises of God. I believe with all my heart I will see my best friend again for death cannot hold the pure in heart. Or anyone who believes in those promises. Jesus is coming soon!

A friend of mine is going through difficult health issues, I’ve tried to keep her positive, not give up and remembered how this song helped me pass through a difficult time in my own life. And so I’ve been compelled to post it to anyone out there who finds themselves at a lost. And because of it cannot see the light in front of them, know that our Lord is carry us when we cannot see our foot prints on the sand…

Inspirational music has a way of lifting our sorrows out of us and letting us focus on the good, on what really matters.

Thank you for visiting 🙂 God bless


Thanks goes out to youtube for allowing me to share this video. Danny Gokey website:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUHRDCYnFfg

I wholeheartedly recommend purchasing the entire album. In doing so will spread the message of hope and lift your own heart in the process. God bless.



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